Saturday, November 13, 2010


Bonnie Gray shared some great thoughts on Surving the In-Bwtween Times today over at (in)Courage. What really stood out to me was her thoughts on John 15:5.
"Abide in me and I in you and you will bear fruit." John 15:5

Abiding doesn’t sound impressive. I doubt it’d make a good marketing slogan or create much buzz in today’s speaking circuit. Kinda archaic compared to our self-made headlines.

Yet, it is the one action Jesus reveals in His secret to living a fruitful life.
What does it actually mean? I wondered?

The Greek word for “abide” is Meno

1. to survive

2. to be held

3. to wait

I was stunned. Simply surviving makes a difference to God...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So encouraging! I like the 3rd part of the definition too - wait.