Friday, August 20, 2010

Being Made Perfect

Remember a couple posts back where I talked about theme words God seems to work in my life?  Perhaps I posted a bit prematurely for God seems to be moving me into yet another new season. Or perhaps I didn't post "too soon," but rather this update simply acknowledges God's continual working in our lives.

On my InfertilityMom blog I recently admitted my perfectionistic tendencies. Since then I have been slowly, imperfectly (as in not every day, not consistently, not to my exacting expectations of what good Christian "quiet time" or "devotional" time should look like - gasp) working my way through Biblical references to the word "perfect". There have been days where I've humbled and challenged by the process, and times when this study has been quite liberating.

Amazingly, I've been excited and surprised to see how closely my word study on "perfect" falls hand-in-hand with all I'm learning as I work on writing this book on the life of Paul. I never would have imagined that one study would have anything to do with the other when I started battling perfectionism less than two months ago, but it's been great to see all Paul had to say about perfection.  Today, as I was tweaking some things in my book introduction, I was stunned to realize that a key verse I had chosen months ago for the opening section of the book is one that falls right into my study on perfectionism:

“Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me.”
- Philippians 3:12 (NIV)

I love it when God so beautifully orchestrates and intertwines so many different aspects of my life, all to teach me more about Himself and His loving, personal grace toward me. I'm so looking forward to sharing more about God's views on perfection as I unfold Paul's story for you through the book!

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